Knysna Loerie

Knysna Loerie

Knysna Loerie, Harkerville’s logo

The Knysna Loerie is the Harkerville Forest Lodge logo because this iconic bird is endemic to the Knysna Forest.

The Knysna Loerie

South Africa, a land brimming with diverse ecosystems and unique wildlife, is home to the enigmatic Knysna Loerie, a bird that has captivated the hearts of nature enthusiasts and birdwatchers alike.

Nestled along the famed Garden Route, a stretch of the southeastern coast of South Africa, the colourful Knysna Loerie is a symbol of the rich biodiversity this region boasts.

The Garden Route

The Garden Route, renowned for its picturesque landscapes, ranging from ancient forests to secluded beaches and charming villages, provides an ideal habitat for a variety of fauna and flora.

Among these, the Knysna Loerie, or more accurately known as the Knysna Turaco (Tauraco corythaix), stands out for its striking appearance and elusive nature.

Knysna Loerie
Knysna Loerie
Img: Ron Porter from Pixabay

The Knysna Loerie: A Vivid Tapestry of Colors

The Knysna Loerie is distinguished by its vibrant green plumage, which camouflages perfectly with the lush foliage of its habitat.

The bird’s most striking feature is its deep blue wings, which reveal a bright crimson flight feather when in motion.

These colors not only contribute to its breathtaking beauty but also play a critical role in its survival in the dense forest canopy.

Habitat and Behaviour

Primarily found in the Afromontane forests of the Garden Route, the Knysna Loerie favours dense woodland areas, where it can easily forage for fruits, its primary diet.

These birds are known for their agility, hopping from branch to branch with ease. This makes them difficult to photograph.

Their calls, a series of loud, distinctive “kow” sounds, echo through the forests, often revealing their presence before they are seen.

Listen to the call of the Knysna Loerie

Breeding and Nesting

The Knysna Loerie exhibits interesting breeding behaviour with both parents caring for their young.

They are monogamous, often pairing for life.

Their nests are built high in the tree canopies, crafted meticulously from twigs and leaves.

The female typically lays two eggs, which both parents incubate. The chicks, once hatched, are cared for by both parents, showcasing a remarkable example of avian parental care.

Conservation Status

While not currently listed as endangered, the Knysna Loerie faces threats from habitat loss and fragmentation due to human activities.

Conservation efforts, including habitat protection and sustainable tourism practices, are crucial for the survival of this species.

The Garden Route’s national parks and protected areas play a pivotal role in these conservation efforts.

The Garden Route: A Haven for Birdwatchers

For birdwatching enthusiasts, the Garden Route offers an unparalleled opportunity to observe the Knysna Loerie in its natural habitat.

The route’s varied landscapes provide a backdrop for a plethora of bird species, making it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in avian wildlife.


The Knysna Loerie is more than just a bird; it’s a symbol of the Garden Route’s ecological richness.

Its presence is a reminder of the intricate balance of nature and the importance of conservation efforts.

As visitors explore the Garden Route, the elusive flash of green and red in the treetops is a magical experience, emblematic of South Africa’s natural heritage.

And you can see these magnificent birds at Harkerville Forest Lodge.