

Harkerville camping

Harkerville experienced less disruptive rain than other parts of the Garden Route so far this season, but we had our fair share.

In the last four days we received more than 80mm and more rain is expected.

The summer preparation of the campsites seems to have paid off. We did not experience flooding on any of our campsites and our guests and campers could enjoy their vacations.

They only had to adapt to the rain!

The cover photo at the top shows the campsite path that drained just as well as the campsites and ensured that our campers had no stress related to the excessive rains in the area.

80mm and counting after 4 days
Harkerville camping
Well-drained campsite.
A relief in the rainy season!
The view from the volley ball field after the first rains in June
Harkerville camping in the rainy season
The flowers and the bees could just keep going thanks to no flooding of the campsites
Even the bottom campsites suffered no flooding.
We are glad we prepared during the summer months